Once again Amy, Steve and I meet and head off with a cloudless sky over us. Temps in the low 60's and all the flags at ease.
I commented, "I guess we're the only ones crazy enough to do this". In unison they responded, "they're nuts for staying home". With that we turned left out of Punch and began our journey to Belle Plaine.
We leave from the city, and it's always an effort to work through the stop signs, cross walks, lights, cars and pedestrians that come with city life. Within 15 miles there's a noticeable easing of this urban tension. Some open space, a farm field, fewer cars and suddenly a relaxing freedom falls from over the shoulders, down the back and through the legs. A deep breath and the renewal starts.
There was a bit of a haze in the air that gave a unique depth to today's scenery. We came over a rise and immensity exploded before us. Golden soybean fields, hinted colored forested bluffs, red barns, neatly manicured corn rows and in the further hazy distance lay the grey bluffs, of the Minnesota River, just below the pale blue sky. It wasn't the effort that took away our breath today.
As if feeling jealous of the beauty displayed by the landscapes a fox, a pair of eagles soaring over the river, the sluffed off skin of a snake, and a little horse promiscuity livened, even more, the beauty before our bikes.
Combine all of this with good friends....there aren't words, but it does explain why. 98/19.7