Monday, March 31, 2008
Come On Already!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday Coffee
Saturday, March 29, 2008
White Bear Lake, Stillwater, Afton
Friday, March 28, 2008
Two Bikes One Ride
I'm taking the Orbea out tomorrow and wanted to do a pre-ride just to make sure everything was working well. It's a good thing I did. The front derailleur needed to be adjusted. It rubbed on the chain in the big ring when I was in the 21,20, and 19 cog. I know. I don't need to be told I'm not suppose to ride it like that. Climb Ohio , or High Bridge with me and tell me I'm doing it wrong then.
Great ride tonight. Lots of sun, the bikes felt great, and oooohhh the shear ecstasy of being on my Orbea. What a bike! 25/15.5
Thursday, March 27, 2008
That Was So Much Better
Little slippin' and slidin' on Minnehaha Parkway. They're doing some work on shoring up the banks of the creek. The machines are bringing mud and dirt onto the road, and my rear wheel moved to the right when all I expected was for it to go forward. That maxed out my heart rate. Got it 236 miles for the week. Considering the shity weekend weather, I'm very pleased. 40/17.3
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Services
I went up through Theodore Wirth Park today, and just stayed on trails. Like the last couple of days, it was beautiful, with the snow. I came home through Downtown Minneapolis, across the Stone Arch Bridge, and along the mill ruins. Lots of really cool stuff to see. The view of St. Anthony Falls from the Stone Arch Bridge is always a little scary. The falls look and sound so powerful. 32/14.3
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Today I took the Cannondale out for what I hope is it's final ride of the season.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Beautiful Agony
It's amazing what you can see in just an hour of riding. It's hard to be upset about something so beautiful, but today's snow puts a crimp in tomorrows plan for 80 miles
These pictures were taken at Lake Calhoun and along Minnehaha Creek. I've lived in Minneapolis all my life except for a stint out West for college, and getting my career off the ground. I never grow tired of the beauty here in the heart of the city. This is a delightful place to live, for many reasons, but it's beauty has to be one of the top five reasons to live here. Winter in Spring is one of a few reasons I'd leave, but I'm not going anywhere.
Just a spectacularly beautiful ride today. 13/13.5
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Good Week
It's been a good week of riding. I felt strong and have even noticed a little Spring in my legs. Just took it easy tonight and rode over and along the Mississippi. Saw quite a few cyclists out. Got in 275 miles for the week. I'm very pleased with that. 35/16.7
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Feeling Good
I felt strong yesterday and today. Building up the miles and then the speed seems to be working again this year, although the weather and being sick has put me behind where I was last year at this time. I think I'm about a week or two back. I've got all of April to catch up, and don't see a problem.
My friend is great. She carried the water bottle for both of us while we were doing the hills.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thoughts About The Last Five Years
He lied to us, like a little child to his parents, so he could get his way and go fight a needless war in Iraq. Wednesday March 19th will mark five years of lies, wasted money, devastated families, kidnapping, false imprisonment, pardons for cronies, and death, so much needless death.

I've thought a lot about all the things that are wrong with the world. We divide ourselves into parties, religions, race, blue and white collars, gender, sexual preference, education, money, us and them. The problems that face us are not going to discriminate, but like the Christmas tsunami, will destroy anyone and everything in it's path.We need to come together to solve our problems. Pres. Bush has set us back, and created even larger divides between us. Our problems are greater than they have ever been, and we are wasting precious time.
My rides always bring peace as I see hope in beauty, people, animals, landscapes and even weather. Everything that I see has some type of renewal, some kind of change, some hope for newness and change. Maybe Pres. Bush was our Winter. Spring is almost here.
Monday, March 17, 2008
CX Again
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday Coffee Ride
I'm tired. More miles in the last week, than I've put on, in any other week since December 1st. I'll just keep on building, and hope to be up to 300 miles a week by the 1st of April, and also hope that I keep on getting faster. It's all about the speed, you know. 52/16.5
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I Am That Strong
Great ride today! Got chased by rabid dogs, that were foaming at the mouth. (there maybe a little embellishment in that last statement, but there were dogs and we did get chased). Had a woman say to me, "Hey, yours is different than mine", which kind of made my day. The route was detoured up by Delano, but we rode through it anyway, and didn't have to turn back. Saw some beautiful rural landscapes, and breathed real country air, that smelled like Spring. God it was great!
Started out with 4 of us. My buddy Ron called last night and said he was sick, then he told me way more than I needed to know about what he'd gone through that day. I'll spare you the details I had to endure. Needless to say, he didn't show. Two of the riders peeled off at Excelsior, but we ran into some cycling friends there and got to talk for awhile. After we left Excelsior, since there were no more women riding with us, we put the hammer down. We got to Watertown having averaged 17.2 mph. Heading North to Delano we were treated to a refreshing head wind, but got the sweet rewards heading South along the other side of the river. Got on County Road 6, where the last rider fell off the pace, so I was on my own into Wayzata and finally home. It felt so good to be on a road bike for a little more than four hours. I kept the hammer down for 75 miles and averaged 17.8 for the entire ride. I'm pleased with that, for this time of year. It looks like it's coming back. 75/17.8
Friday, March 14, 2008
Fixed Unfixed Ride Walk
Ran errands on my fixie, and expanded that to riding around the lakes. Leaving Lake Harriet heading north on the path from the band shell is a slight hill. Heading up the hill all of a sudden, I'm spinning and there's no effort, and the bike is slowing down. Now I'm strong, but not that strong. It looks like the rear cog has come loose, or worse it has stripped the threads on the hub. Well, at least I can coast now. So a twelve mile ride turned into a seven mile ride and a five mile walk. It was actually very nice. As I was watching a kite-skier on Lake Calhoun, I saw him or her, leave the ice and become airborne. It looked very cool, but I imagined it must have been scary. Being up in the air for 30 seconds could seem a lot longer, and I'd guess the feeling of loosing control at 10 feet in the air could inspire some heavy breathing. The skier came down safely and made it look like an everyday occurrence, which it probably is. 12/
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Oooooh! Pretty Colors
This has been a delightful week of riding, albeit slow. I've just been concentrating on getting my miles up, which hasn't been a problem with the Spring like weather we've been having. I haven't wanted to come home from my rides. Tonight there were so many people out. It got up to 51 degrees. Where were all these people two months ago? Fair weather cyclists. In the Winter you've got to watch out for slick spots, now I've got to watch out for pot holes. 266 miles this week. Not too bad. I keep track of my miles from Friday through Thursday. One of these posts in the future I'll explain how that came to be. 44/16.5
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Weather Or Not
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
It's hard to believe that Pres. Bush came up with a good idea, but adding a month of more light in the evening, in my mind, will be his legacy.
Cedar Lake Trail is still pretty icy between Hwy 100 and Virginia. Had to get off the bike several times to navigate some major slick spots. I was on my "B" road bike (Salsa).
During the ride tonight the hammer told me there was a lie circling around about me. After trying to discover the truth, she found out it wasn't a lie.
Elbow is sore and stiff, from the crash yesterday. I noticed some road rash on my knee, that I hadn't seen before. It's all just bruise kind of sore. It doesn't slow me down, or keep me off the bike
Good time riding tonight like always. 35/14.8
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Wintery Crash
About half way to Wayzata Chris decided to ride on the part of the road that still had snow on it, and comes up on my right. He's doing pretty good, but I keep my eye on him and give him a little space, without going too far out into traffic. He's about two arm lengths off my right and maybe a half to a whole bike length ahead of me. Then, Chris hits a rut and swerves to his right away from me. He bounces around for just a couple of seconds, and I try to respond and give him some more space, when he veers sharply and quickly to his left, directly in front of me and goes down. I reacted as best I could. We are both out in the middle of the traffic lane, and Chris is on the ground. It was too late, I couldn't get around him and I couldn't stop. I rode directly over his thighs. I think it was his left leg that took the brunt of it. When I hit him I went down hard on my right side. The force jarred my stem and brake lever askew. I did hit my head, but very lightly which only caused my glasses to jostle slightly. Of course, I had my helmet on. Todd S was behind me and he also went down. I was only a foot or so from going into oncoming traffic. We got off the road, out of traffic, and brushed ourselves off. I made some repairs to my bike. My front tire had also partially come off the rim, so I let the air out and got the bead back in place, and then pumped her up.
After the adjustments my bike was fine, with just a little road rash on the right brake lever. My right elbow has some road rash and is slightly swollen, my right knee is also just a little sore. I must have landed on my butt too, because it's sore. I had a bad case of the shakes, but once on the bike and riding again they went away. We headed for Wayzata and the rest of the ride was uneventful.
Fortunately it's that time of year when there is an abundance of soft fleshy areas on my body to land on.
I recalled riding over Chris' thighs several times during the rest of the ride, and still see it now, which I'm finding pretty unpleasant. Chris was able to continue to ride, but his thigh was sore. He's concerned that it will be even more sore tomorrow. I remember as we were all getting up off the road Chris said, "Hey somebody rode over my legs". I fessed up and told him it was me. 48/14.8
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Left for my ride with the temp at 5 above and got home with the temp at 19. My buddy bailed so I was solo. There was a tough SSE wind. The cold wasn't the problem. I was warm the whole ride, but the wind was brutal.
The first road bike ride of 2008 was very painful. The old "B" bike felt good, but I was having major drive train issues. My chain was hopping all over the place. I'll work on it tonight.
I got 72 miles in, but only at 16mph. I was hoping for a little more speed than that. I'll blame it on having been sick.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Day Off
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Stronger Still
It's amazing how the simple things in life like, swallowing, no aches, and a comfortable body temperature can make life worth living. It sure feels good to feel good.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Feeling Better
It really felt good to be able to get a work out in. 2hrs/1950
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008

OK, back to the tedium that is my blog.
I hope I'm past the worst of it now, and that I'll be back in the saddle soon.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Sick Sucks
Rough night again last night. Didn't sleep well, and soaked my bed again with night sweats. No fever stats to report so far today, other than normal.
I got a note this morning from a friend who thinks she's coming down with something again. This will be the 4th time she's been sick since December. She's pissed. I guess it could be worse. Thanks for the nice notes and advice, it makes it easier.
I had like a bowl of cereal today! That's it! I'm not even hungry!
No cycling! No Food! What's the point!
Update as of 7:30pm: fever 99.8 the Osmonds are on channel 2 and I don't have the energy to change the channel. Just fuckin' shoot me.