Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thoughts About The Last Five Years

It's unbelievable how inept Pres. Bush has been at everything he's done. His inability to speak English is only surpassed by his willingness to give our money to his friends. Then there's the "my way only" attitude, which alienates the rest of the world. His arrogance at claiming he is the "decider" shows just how out of touch he is with the people of the United States. We are the government, we are the deciders, we are who he answers to. He is our employee. We pay his salary. Nevertheless, he treats us as if we don't exist, by not listening to the will of the people. At best he acknowledges our existence by raising his middle finger to us.
He lied to us, like a little child to his parents, so he could get his way and go fight a needless war in Iraq. Wednesday March 19th will mark five years of lies, wasted money, devastated families, kidnapping, false imprisonment, pardons for cronies, and death, so much needless death.

I've thought a lot about all the things that are wrong with the world. We divide ourselves into parties, religions, race, blue and white collars, gender, sexual preference, education, money, us and them. The problems that face us are not going to discriminate, but like the Christmas tsunami, will destroy anyone and everything in it's path.We need to come together to solve our problems. Pres. Bush has set us back, and created even larger divides between us. Our problems are greater than they have ever been, and we are wasting precious time.
My rides always bring peace as I see hope in beauty, people, animals, landscapes and even weather. Everything that I see has some type of renewal, some kind of change, some hope for newness and change. Maybe Pres. Bush was our Winter. Spring is almost here.

I got to see a good friend tonight, twice. 36/17.1

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