City Of Thieves (1)
The Double Bind (2)
The Piano Tuner (3)
Star Trek
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Services
We set out on our two wheeled pews, not quite at sunrise, but devoted, nevertheless, to showing our reverence, appreciation and respect. Only two of us were in attendance, but our sanctuary was filled to overflowing with southeast breezes, rolling hills, lakes, trees, horses, barns and bright glorious sunshine. The service was oriented more around discourse and discussion of doctrine, rather than the ritual ordinances of intervals, sprints, pacelines or hill repeats. We remembered with the sacrament by partaking of the Gatorade and Powerbar, and enjoyed the hymns sung by the choir of tires and asphalt. Our worship never ends and is not limited to one day a week. We worship six days a week and rest one. Our love is undeniable, our sacrifice complete. We are true disciples of the one and only. 53/17.6
MEMORABLE RIDES: (take a look at my blog archives for these)
Saturday February 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
TEN FAVORITE RIDE PICS: (no particular order)