Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not As Cold As I Thought

I expected temps maybe 10 degrees colder when we started, but was pleasantly surprised and over dressed. This was a really good ride. I'll bet 10-12 riders showed. We kind of divided up into two groups, those on cross bikes and those on mountain bikes. Took off on the limestone LRT trail to Excelsior. Just did an out and back. The pictures I took at Dunn Bros. in Excelsior didn't turn out too good because the camera was all fogged up, which gives an idea of how warm I was.
Got back into town and did my winter loop for some extra credit. The Evil One rode well. 52/14.5

Harriet Isn't Completely Frozen Over Yet


Debra said...

Nice to see home. Don't miss it though. You take some mighty fine pics, thanks for sharing all of them.

tainterturtles said...

Glad you had a good cycle day. Looks like temps will dip beginning Tuesday so take advantage of the warm days.

MrDaveyGie said...

ahhh, yes another fine day enjoyed on a bicycle Life is good.