Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Not So Tuff
Heading east along the green way just east of Hopkins a huge contingent of velonids approach from the opposite direction. It's the TuffRide heading out to Medina and Independence, with at least forty riders from all different teams. A few were kind enough to yell "Tom" and even a "Tommy" or two, along with a few waves and a couple of nods and smiles. Almost turned around and rode with them, but, instead, I decided to be really tuff and take pictures of flowers on the west shore of Lake Calhoun. 33/17.7

Monday, June 29, 2009
Just felt crummy all day. Finally got my sorry ass off the couch and got out on the bike. About 10 miles into it I started feeling much better. Nice evening even though it was a little windy. 33/17.0
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Didn't use any sunscreen yesterday, because it was cloudy. Those UVB rays are pretty sneaky, how they get through the cloud deck. Nothing serious, but it just goes to show how important it is to always wear the sunscreen. No question about whether I needed it today - not a cloud in the sky.
Rode out solo again just enjoying some solitude.
It wasn't quiet by any measure. The wind played these masts parked on Lake Minnetonka like wind chimes
A windy, happy, beautiful ride this morning around Lake Minnetonka up in to Baker and Hamel. 54/17.2
Rode out solo again just enjoying some solitude.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
What To Do?
The morning began with thunder and rain, so I started looking for things to do, as I waited for drier roads. With only one thing that I commit to every Saturday, finding stuff to do wasn't easy.
Definitely need to replace a worn rear tire, so that was first on the list of things to do while waiting out the rain.
Vittoria tires seem to wear out pretty quick. I like Michelin the best.
Grey, cloudy, windy and so humid...the effort to Watertown was full of, what am I doing out here questions, despite the rich full green surroundings.
Got the tube back in, re-inflated the tire with a CO2 cartridge, and was back in the saddle and only a couple of miles from having a tail-wind all the way home.
I don't think I've ever sweated so much on a ride. I wasn't even working that hard. Today was a day when it was just too dangerous to put in a massive effort. The sweat was noticeable because it wouldn't evaporate...just too humid, no room in the already moisture saturated air. When I left this morning the temp was 72 and the dew point was 70.
Definitely need to replace a worn rear tire, so that was first on the list of things to do while waiting out the rain.
Vittoria tires seem to wear out pretty quick. I like Michelin the best.
With adequate road drying taking place, I took off on an unbelievably humid day. I've come home after getting caught in the rain drier, than today. The humidity was off the charts.
About thirty miles into it the new tire got mighty springy. I found the chard of glass still embedded in the tire, so simply pulled the tube out at the cut, found the puncture in the tube and glued on a patch.

Made the turn at Watertown and enjoyed the eased effort along County Road 6. A good 15 miles before I had to worry about a stop or a turn. Nice ride, considering the conditions, and that I pulled out a ride at all with so much rain around. I didn't get a drop on me...well at least from the clouds. 70/19.0
Friday, June 26, 2009
Fraternal Twins
Just a quick ride tonight with Lynne. Stopped at the Pride block party, then rode over to Lake Harriet. 10/??
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Better Than TV
It's hard to beat summer. The ride enjoyment rose as the humidity lowered. 33/17.5
I was not alone watching the sunset, many were out.
As Jane Goodall studied her chimps, she noticed that they would slow down as they walked through the jungle. Perplexed Goodall set out to find why. She noticed that the chimps slowed down at the same spot during their walks. Then Goodall noticed that the spot was particularly scenic. We've been gazing at beauty for along time, feeling the calm, soothing waves that come from watching nature and understanding that this is where we come from. Sometimes I wonder if we've evolved or devolved. Our gazing at TV, the mall, cell phones, and computers sure falls short of what's outside.

I was not alone watching the sunset, many were out.
As Jane Goodall studied her chimps, she noticed that they would slow down as they walked through the jungle. Perplexed Goodall set out to find why. She noticed that the chimps slowed down at the same spot during their walks. Then Goodall noticed that the spot was particularly scenic. We've been gazing at beauty for along time, feeling the calm, soothing waves that come from watching nature and understanding that this is where we come from. Sometimes I wonder if we've evolved or devolved. Our gazing at TV, the mall, cell phones, and computers sure falls short of what's outside.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Still Hot
Seemed cooler than yesterday. It's close, but I'll take this over temps at or below zero...not as many clothes to put on, take off and launder. 33/17.3
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
Predicted rain got me out of bed by using an alarm clock. The humidity was thick. It felt like it was raining, but nothing was falling out of the clouds.
Quads were sore from yesterday, but Baker is so beautiful the pain was a little less noticeable. Came across Blayne owner of Excelcycle, and got to ride about 5 miles with him. It's nice to be a part of the cycling community...good people. 52/18.0
A buddy got hit by a car today...he's OK so's his bike. The cars just don't pay attention. Gotta be careful, really careful out there.
I'm really a lucky man. I got great kids. I can't say it enough... in my life, I have found no greater joy than being the father of Ethan, Britney and Gabrielle.
Much, Much Younger Days

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Got Over To The Stone Arch Festival
What A Difference A Week Makes
Started a little earlier today, I want to get over to the Stone Arch Festival before it shuts down. It's hard to imagine a more perfect day, light winds, temps ideal and just a few wisps of clouds decorating the sky.
The effort to Wayzata was prudent. By the time Rockford was on the horizon, Amy was chompin' at the bit, and was very interested in moving along a little faster. Let me just say, we really hadn't been movin' all that slow up to that point. Extending the distance somewhat was also OKed, but how can we be blamed, with such perfect conditions.
At Mayer the route direction became very compatible with the wind direction and the speeds reflected the joint effort. South of Victoria rollers and a bit of a head wind, which are always unpleasant, raised the ever present muscle ache on the old hairy legs above noticeable.
We made a quick pit stop at Excelcycle to get some more water, and a woman I had dated was there. It really was nice to see her again. When we were dating she had met my youngest daughter. I'm pretty sure she thought Amy was the daughter she met. I still can't remember her name.
Back on the bikes we headed for Christmas Lake Road and that wonderful little pain in the ass hill.
It was great to be out. Nothing forced and a really nice effort on a gorgeous day. Very enjoyable company, lots of great conversation, beautiful rolling hills along rivers, lakes and delightful farm land made this a great ride. 90/20.0 Amy put in over one hundred miles.
The effort to Wayzata was prudent. By the time Rockford was on the horizon, Amy was chompin' at the bit, and was very interested in moving along a little faster. Let me just say, we really hadn't been movin' all that slow up to that point. Extending the distance somewhat was also OKed, but how can we be blamed, with such perfect conditions.
At Mayer the route direction became very compatible with the wind direction and the speeds reflected the joint effort. South of Victoria rollers and a bit of a head wind, which are always unpleasant, raised the ever present muscle ache on the old hairy legs above noticeable.
We made a quick pit stop at Excelcycle to get some more water, and a woman I had dated was there. It really was nice to see her again. When we were dating she had met my youngest daughter. I'm pretty sure she thought Amy was the daughter she met. I still can't remember her name.
Back on the bikes we headed for Christmas Lake Road and that wonderful little pain in the ass hill.
It was great to be out. Nothing forced and a really nice effort on a gorgeous day. Very enjoyable company, lots of great conversation, beautiful rolling hills along rivers, lakes and delightful farm land made this a great ride. 90/20.0 Amy put in over one hundred miles.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Broke 16.5
Mixed it up a little bit. Had fun out there tonight. Kept it flat and simple, but got the mph up some. Met a guy named Chris, a tri-guy. He complained a couple of times that his HR exceeded his 80% LT. I hate it when I do that. 33/ 18.4
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Things Are Changing
Recently I've been doing very simple riding, and the same route everyday. It's starting to get a little boring. Looks like I've been in the rut long enough...time to get out, as is evidenced by the same mileage and speed for the last three days. 33/16.5
One of those hazy, soupy summer days...hard to see the skyline through it all.
From Calhoun

One of those hazy, soupy summer days...hard to see the skyline through it all.
From Calhoun

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Almost Stayed Dry
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Christmas Day Afternoon
Couldn't get my sorry ass out of bed this morning to ride with the team, so I had to ride over to Stillwater solo to watch the final stage of the NVGP. Got there just in time to hear the starting gun and see the women start the climb. Saw a billion friends and even made some new ones.
Now what do I do. Just a blast of a weekend, with biking, friends and tons of live bike racing to watch, but it's like I've opened all my presents, and now have to wait till next year for all the excitement again.

Now what do I do. Just a blast of a weekend, with biking, friends and tons of live bike racing to watch, but it's like I've opened all my presents, and now have to wait till next year for all the excitement again.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
small chainring
Rode solo again today. I'm turning pretty anti-social.
It's very unusual for me to climb in my small chain ring, and there were some good climbs today. Quads were not happy and were doing everything they could to not do any work. I don't get it either, I had a low mile week last week. They had nothing to be complaining about.
Clouds were hard to find as green foliage was everywhere soaking in all the sun had to offer.
Photos Of The Road Ahead
East Of Jordan
Just On the East Side Of Shakopee
God, I hate these high traffic roads.
It's very unusual for me to climb in my small chain ring, and there were some good climbs today. Quads were not happy and were doing everything they could to not do any work. I don't get it either, I had a low mile week last week. They had nothing to be complaining about.
Clouds were hard to find as green foliage was everywhere soaking in all the sun had to offer.
Photos Of The Road Ahead

It was a perfect day, and I was grateful to be out, but I just wasn't into it today. I had to kind of force myself into riding. Nevertheless, I'm not complaining about my distance or speed considering my bad attitude. 97/19.2
Friday, June 12, 2009
So Fast
Rode over with Lynne to the NVGP in Uptown, and enjoyed dinner at Stella's before the race started, then met up with some teammates and watched the women's crit followed by the men. This is such a fun weekend of bike racing. I'll ride out to Stillwater on Sunday to watch the final stage of the NVGP.


Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ahhhhh! Sun
Just plain old nice. This is the perfect time of year in Minnesota. Delightful, just delightful to be out on the bike. 33/18.0
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Solar Power
Rode over with Amy and Annie to watch the St Paul NVGP women's crit. It's hard to see how anything could be better...bikes, racing, friends, beer and the sun even came out. Of course, there were tons of people there, and it was great to see them all. I even saw my nephew Josh and his wife Sarah, who aren't cyclists. They live in a condo right on the course, and were just hanging out enjoying it all.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Another Cloudy Day
Nice ride, but not a whole lot of people out. Maybe they were all at the State Fair crit. Maybe it's just too cool and cloudy. This is a great week of cycling as the NVGP starts tomorrow. It'll be a fun 5 days of cycling and spectating. 33/17.6
Monday, June 8, 2009
Four Letter Word
More clouds and rain. I may be getting a little tired of this. 33/17.0
Thanks for the wave AllthewayRay.
More clouds and rain. I may be getting a little tired of this. 33/17.0
Thanks for the wave AllthewayRay.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
When I was a little kid, and presented with the opportunity to choose what I'd eat, from a smorgasbord, my mom would always warn me that my eyes might be bigger than my stomach.
I think I was guilty of that today as I planned my ride...maybe a few more miles than I could take on.
The roads stopped collecting the drizzle at about Wayzata, but even before that, I knew I wasn't going to finish all my miles today.
I enjoyed the mist hanging over the rolling hills in Baker and Medina. The sun may have made me go a little farther and faster, but contentment had a hold of me, and this ride turned from hard long miles to moderate and scenic very quickly. 53/17.5

I think I was guilty of that today as I planned my ride...maybe a few more miles than I could take on.
The roads stopped collecting the drizzle at about Wayzata, but even before that, I knew I wasn't going to finish all my miles today.
I enjoyed the mist hanging over the rolling hills in Baker and Medina. The sun may have made me go a little farther and faster, but contentment had a hold of me, and this ride turned from hard long miles to moderate and scenic very quickly. 53/17.5

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Rain Reflective Road
Along Minnehaha Parkway asphalt refused to soak in any more water, and I could see the clouded sky and the corridor of trees reflected in the road.
Just above comfortable for the entire ride, even though everything was soaked through upon arriving home. Maybe it's the expectation of misery, but rain rides seem to always have a quality to them that defies their reputation.
Leaving comfort changes perspective, and creates a gratitude. A wet face, rain spotted glasses, cold hands and toes reminds of our beginning as humans when the sensation of elements weren't so shut out of our lives. Existence wasn't about possession, but about survival. Identity was found in contribution to the survival of all, instead of domination. Education was shared and passed on, instead of tested and borrowed for. Creativity was used to bring joy, innovation to save...ah, who am I fooling? There have always been those who take and don't give.
It is delightful to come home from a ride and feel alive, because of a small amount of discomfort. 45/16.6
I stopped along the Mississippi and saw some of the
Bridges Of St. Paul
Just above comfortable for the entire ride, even though everything was soaked through upon arriving home. Maybe it's the expectation of misery, but rain rides seem to always have a quality to them that defies their reputation.
Leaving comfort changes perspective, and creates a gratitude. A wet face, rain spotted glasses, cold hands and toes reminds of our beginning as humans when the sensation of elements weren't so shut out of our lives. Existence wasn't about possession, but about survival. Identity was found in contribution to the survival of all, instead of domination. Education was shared and passed on, instead of tested and borrowed for. Creativity was used to bring joy, innovation to save...ah, who am I fooling? There have always been those who take and don't give.
It is delightful to come home from a ride and feel alive, because of a small amount of discomfort. 45/16.6
I stopped along the Mississippi and saw some of the
Bridges Of St. Paul

Friday, June 5, 2009
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