Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Another spectacular November day. The sky was completely empty of clouds and the low angle of the sun created long shadows. At about 8 miles, I was heading east and the shadow I cast was a good 10 feet out in front of me. Then quietly and suddenly it had a companion. It's always a little disconcerting to have someone I don't know tuck in behind, but it's not uncommon. After a couple of miles the cyclist smoothly and slowly came around, gave an acknowledgement with the right hand and moved in position for me to easily get a draft, which I decided to take. Road bike with carbon stays, 23/12 cassette, leg warmers, a smooth quiet riding style, and gray hairs inside the helmet vents, all began to put me at ease. Shifting into an easier gear, after a mile or two, the cadence increased as the speed slowed. I took my cue and came around easily, and once again my shadow was in the lead. I made a simple gesture indicating a crossing ahead where I'd be slowing. We made it through the crossing traffic without putting down a foot. Our positions remained the same, but our shadows were horizontally a bit farther apart now. Another crossing, no feet on the pavement and another successful navigation of the rush hour traffic. Shortly after this intersection my shadow was in drafting position. A signal that I should move to the left as we passed a pedestrian, and then the final signal that our rides would go in different directions, along with a friendly wave. I verbally acknowledged my appreciation and wished him a good ride. I heard a "you know it, man". 24/17.4

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

So cool, I enjoyed your description of your ride today. There's just something about the connection with other riders. Very nice.