Drab with drizzle, a day delightfully dank and dreary.
First half of this ride was unpleasant, at best. Couldn't keep glasses clear of moisture accumulations. Into a wind that was stiff and constant at a good 15 miles per hour, and the water bottle was left back at home, on the counter. Had to fight off thoughts of the warm, windless, water-fountained gym.
However, improvements were literally right around the corner. The wind became less of a punisher, the glasses cleared, and Holiday was only 5 miles away...that was gooooood lime Gatorade.
Electrolytes back in balance, wind no longer a foe, the Evil One was remounted and the remaining miles promised to undo what was previously so unpleasant.
Even the usually irritating honks of suburbanites, who are upset when anyone is on their road when they need to get to the mall, were dismissed without waving a single finger.
Oh yeah, did I mention the broken spoke?
Today's ride? Worth it. 48/14.5
Wet But Ice-less Roads

Apple Trees In Medina

Apparently Fences Work

Purgatory Creek