Saturday, March 6, 2010

This Is What I Live For

There just aren't words, but I'll try.
First real road ride of the season and it couldn't have been better. The predicted weather was cloudy and light rain. We saw more sun than clouds and no rain. The weather gods were on our side today. Seven of us started with one falling off at about the 20 mile mark. Started out at a good pace and it felt like the wind was with us. We busted up some rollers and had to work hard to keep our breakfasts off the asphalt. (Rodents with 20 year old legs should be shot.)
Long roads with views of forever, snow covered farm fields, excellent cyclists, and machines that felt lighter than air (compared to the Winter Beast) helped to make this a great beginning to the road season. Just so you don't think it was all fun, the hill out of Carver hurt like hell and lasted for an eternity. 73/19.2

Post Ride Smiles
From left to right Dan, Rich, Derrick, Amy, Mike. Thanks you guys! Great Ride!


MrDaveyGie said...

Yeap, all that hard mule work all winter, sure made it feel like a bird in flight today. Roadie heaven.

tainterturtles said...

I can just imagine the road bike felt like a feather today.

Nice photo of the roadie gang.