Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rode With Some Old Companions

Yeah, I met up with, dangling droplet of rain, cold wet toes, and flat tire, on my ride tonight. It's amazing how mesmerizing watching that little drop hang on to the brim of my cap can be.
I'm making it sound a little rougher than it was. My toes did get a little cold. I mean I noticed them, but I really was quite comfortable for the entire ride. And the flat? Yeah, I had to change it, but I got it about a block from a bike shop - walked there and changed it indoors.
Even with my not so welcome companions, the ride beat the pants off the trainer or the gym. And you know, that's why I have so many bikes, and all the right gear, 'cause I'd rather be out than in. Full fendered Evil One tonight. 32/17.6


tainterturtles said...

Very nicely said!!!! At least you will sleep well tonight.

MrDaveyGie said...

ahhh yes, I know your pain/pleasure. I have dedicated two dressors for all the 4 seasons of bike wear. So I can find the right combo and get on the road

Lynne said...

It was fun at first (saw two guys with a bunch of kids-very cute), but then the RAIN hit. Cold! Wet! Obviously I'm not as good at the "there is no bad weather, just the wrong clothes" thing. Just couldn't take it today. But Saturday it is supposed to be very nice-I sure hope so. Bet you do, too.

tainterturtles said...

Hi Lynn...I miss your blog. I assume your still commuting by bicycle to work?

Lynne said...

TT-not commuting much. I absolutely hate rain, it's one reason I moved here from Oregon. This has been a real bummer year; the two things I won't ride-lots of ice and rain. Plus, lots of offsite work these past months.

Hope to get a lot of commuting again next week, though!

So stir crazy, can't think of a thing to do when it's cold and rainy out.

Done moping. :-)