Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nice Weekend of Riding

Turned in to a beautiful day, with the sun taking over the all of the sky this afternoon, from the morning clouds. My cold and sore throat are still hanging in there, but when you're addicted...
Kind of tired but had another nice ride, with Amy, up into Baker. It sure is nice to have such a good friend. 50/17.9

Weekend Images

This Evening At The Harriet Rose Garden
Took Time To Smell The Roses


MrDaveyGie said...

Tom admitting your addiction is step one on the road to recovery.


Dial this number, they can help.

tainterturtles said...

I think in your case, being addicted is a good thing.

I hope you feel better in a couple days Tom. Bravo to Amy for being such a good friend and riding partner.

mrbill said...

Just think about how nice it will be when the sore throat is gone. Great pics of the Roses!!