Thursday, March 3, 2011

Can't Stop

Brakes on Evil are wearing thin. I had to use a snow bank to stop during my Tuesday ride. So I pulled out the Allen wrench and needle nose pliers and tightened up the cable before today's ride. It's amazing the difference a properly maintained bike can make to ride safety. Who'd of figured? Felt great to be on the bike. 21/13.9
Took the new point and shoot out on the ride today to show it around and get it acquainted.
Didn't want to put to much pressure on it, so didn't ask for any pictures to be taken. Pretty snazzy, huh? I need all the help I can get.

Remember a week or two ago I was complaining about leg aches. Got 'em again yesterday and today. I figured out that it's installing the floors at my house that makes 'em hurt.

This year the Twin Cities have already reached the top ten for all time snow fall in a season. Another storm is predicted for next week. If it hits us as predicted, it will put us into the top 5. Not sure I'm excited about approaching the podium in this case.


tainterturtles said...

Tom, I think it's all about flexibility, and we certainly lose that around age 50...I feel it too.

As for that possible snow dumping next week, I'm holding my breath!

MrDaveyGie said...

YIKERS, using a snow bank to stop.
That must have been a thrill. As for the coming snow, just ain't right.

Anonymous said...

I like the color of the camera!