Sunday, April 24, 2011

Glorious Easter

Easter Services began promptly at 10AM. Amy, THE WINNER, and I rode out toward Wayzata and met up with Mike and Paula. Couldn't have been a more spectacular day. Sun everywhere. It was so welcome. We all just cruised along, seriously considering never going home, hoping this could last forever. 52/17.8
Reality, and the fact that we do love other things besides cycling, got us all home to our various other Easter activities, eventually.
I was visited by grandlumps. I provided many sugary treats, that made them love me, but brought on other feelings, towards me, from their parents.
Taylor liked Grandpa's homemade molasses cookies.

Kelsey, Elijah and Bryson planned their next game.

Yeah, Right!

I'm a lucky man.

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