Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Got about three hours of sleep last night. The old hairy ribs didn't like being banged around yesterday, and they're telling me about it. Just for the record, there is nothing we as humans do that doesn't use the muscles between the ribs, and mine hurt!
I got some work in this morning, and did start to feel better this afternoon. But, with the triple digit temps (yes, it got up to 103 today), and 20-30 mph winds, I was sort of glad I had the excuse of very sore ribs to keep me in the air-conditioning.
I'm taking this a day at a time, and as soon as the rib pain has subsided some, I'll be out on a bike. It'll be slow and short for sure.

Started getting a little antsy tonight so I got out to take in the sunset over Isles. The hot, humid, hazy air turned the sun into a red rubber ball.

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

Glad you caught the red haze photo, very nice.

And here I thought it was the wrist that was going to give you the most problems since it looked really swollen two nights ago.

Hope the ribs pain settles down.