Friday, July 1, 2011


Storms blew through, so I had to get out and see what happened. Once around Calhoun and this is what I saw.

Blowing down trees is one thing, but blowin' the shorts off a guy?

A bunch of boats blew over

More trees down on the other side of the lake

Then another round of rain and wind came through, in which I got caught. But then, just as the sun was setting, the storms cleared out. There was still lightning and thunder in the air when these images were taken. Very Cool!

Probably about 5 miles on the Schwinn Traveler.

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

That wind just literally came up so fast. One minute sultry heat and then suddenly the winds blew hard and the temperature dropped by 15 degrees....amazing!

Did you bunny-hop over any of those downed trees????