Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Weekend

MONSTER TRUCK JAM last night with Bryson, Elijah and my son Ethan, kept me up way past my bedtime. I got home about midnight.
Had a blast watching the kids in total awe of these trucks and the noise...oh the noise.
It's Bryson's 5th birthday today. Everybody's coming over and there will be cake!

Hard ride, for me. Amy seemed totally fine, so it was my turn to have an off day. I think pushin' the fat studs yesterday really took it out of me.
It was warmer, but we rode in freezing rain. Wasn't accumulating much on the roads, at least they stayed mostly wet, but ice was all over everything else.

I was really glad to get home and have a nice cup of hot chocolate. 35/13.6
Good weekend; kids, grandkids and bike rides, with Amy.


amy said...

we have fun riding bikes don't we.

tainterturtles said...

Monster truck jam? Boy are you brave! Hopefully you could hear this morning.

Love the ice covered eye glasses!