Sunday, March 3, 2013


One of those nice days...real simple but just the stuff that makes life perfect. Started the day with an easy 40 mile ride with Amy, just talked and rode. 40/14.6
Hung out with Elijah this afternoon. When I dropped him off he said, "hey grandpa, you forgot something". I  asked "what?" He said, "you forgot to tickle me".  I took care of that fast.
Stopped by Ethan's and saw my other grandkids, then Ethan and I went out for dinner...talked for over 3 hours.
A priceless day. Very nice.


tainterturtles said...

Bike miles and family, sounds wonderful to me!

amy said...

all the talking is going to make people think you are an extrovert. Good thing I won't be around to talk to next weekend.