Sounds like some one's name instead of the conditions outside. It was one of those days when cleaning off the glasses didn't really help. Warm, wet air with some slushy and sloppy sliding on the trails. I've used the Winter Beast this season much more than the Evil One. Usually the Evil One gets the most use, but the Christmas ice storm has kept me favoring four rows of studs instead of two. 21/12.2

Very Few Colors Today

Hard To See Across Harriet

The Day Of A Winter Cyclist (or at least part of it)
3/4 cups + 2 Tbs of hot water
2 cups bread flour
1tsp yeast
1tsp salt
knead let rise
punch down dough
form into 6 rolls
1 1/2 Tbs wild rice
1 cup chicken broth
sliced carrots
sliced celery
diced onion
minced garlic
all in the slow cooker (set on high)
open toe and hand warmers
get dressed
3:25pm Winter Beast and I are on the trail
5:35pm back home
5:36pm oven to 475 degrees
5:37pm most of the clothes are coming off and going in the washing machine
5:40pm 1 cup of skim milk and 2 Tbs of flour mixed well get added to the slower cooker along with a pinch of salt
5:43pm rolls are in the oven for 15 minutes
5:45pm shower
5:58pm dried off, some clothes on, turn down oven to 425 degrees
6:05 pm pour wild rice soup into bowl
6:08 pm take rolls out of oven
6:10pm steam rises from soup as it is stirred and more steam joins in from fresh baked rolls as they are broken open.
6:11pm mouth is full, stomach is satisfied, all is well, the simple things in life are more than good.