Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Monday

Apparently I need the rejuvenation that comes from a Pacific Northwest vacation, and Hammerhead coffee. I was only able to muster a 21 mile ride at 13.4.


MrDaveyGie said...

The problem. How do you take a day off, when your body tells you it would probably be best, and your minds says, NO Way, I need a ride.

tainterturtles said...

Was in your neck of the woods today. Can't wait to come back over in the spring with our bikes and ride the trails with our daughter.

mrbill said...

21 miles, 13.4 avg, February, sounds respectable to me, I only got 10 yesterday, had cold toes.

Amy said...

A little escape from the cold does lift the motivation. It feels good to find out that "normal" still exists in the legs!