Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hanging Out

Hard to imagine a more perfect day. Zero wind, beautiful scenery, perfect temps, and a couple of friends to share it with. Ok, so there was one problem. Steven hadn't ridden yesterday, and he was blazin' today. The old hairy legs were doin' all they could to keep up. As the ride was ending, somebody had the brilliant idea to race a train noting that we'd have clear access across all the road crossings with the crossing arms down. That person should be shot! I think it was Amy. We did wind up flying across all the roads without any need to stop or slow down. 49/19.0 (ouch!)

Hung out with Elijah this afternoon, or ... well, he was hanging out at Minnehaha Park.
Met Amy and some of her friends at the Pumphouse Creamery, and Elijah and I got some ice cream with them. Amy introduced herself to Elijah as a person who rides bikes with his grandpa. Immediately Elijah was telling her about his new road rash and how it happened. It's in the genes man, it's in the genes.

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

Sounds like you had a perfect day. Friends and family. Can't get any better than that!