Saturday, August 6, 2011


Plan was to head west. Out the door and the bike went east. Afton first then north to Stillwater. Felt great all the way to Afton, but, upon leaving, my energy decided it would stay there and enjoy the scenery. Maybe it was the heat, the wind was stronger than predicted, or maybe it was only 16oz of Lemon-Lime Gatorade, instead of the usual 32oz of Lime. Whatever it was I was struggling a bit today. Legs were shaky and the hills, which there are plenty of on this route, dominated me instead of the other way around.
I did see two fawns and three birchies. Birchies were heading in the opposite direction and one of the fawns almost took me out, but fortunately turned just in time.
Ride was good, despite the uncooperative old hairy legs. Missed Amy. 87/18.7

Military Road
A Little Yippee Kai Yay Down Into Afton


tainterturtles said...

Nice ride and yes, it was hot....takes a lot of you, especially when you ride Harry Legge's kind of miles!!!!

amy said...

I missed you too. I always wonder what the ride is like and look forward to the report when I am not there. I'm sure that the spring will get back to your legs when i get back. unfortunately! :)