Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's Different

Since I turned 50 (4 years ago) I've noticed a real difference in my riding abilities. This year seems to be another fairly dramatic change. I understand it, and I'm sort of accepting it, but I don't like it.
Felt good on my ride today, like I could've gone faster, but knew that I needed to take it easy. Kept the speed slow, and the miles low. You see there's the difference. In the past it would've been as fast and as far as I could go. 20/15.8
Along Minnehaha Creek


tainterturtles said...

That's beautiful. I can imagine the fragrance is amazing.

Glad to hear you are accepting the age/body thing....but I know what you mean. Why can't we just keep going and going like we were 20?

MrDaveyGie said...

I know, I know, I so know...I don't like it either. Losing speed, I can tell, haven't done my TT in a few years. Don't want to. :-) But beautiful pictures.

Unknown said...

OMG, Amazing photos, so nice so nice, real pleasure to the eye!

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mrbill said...

Nice pics, I've no doubt that you will grow old gracefully, but reluctantly, I understand, but that doesn't mean I like it!!

amy said...

if resting when tired is a sign of old age, I have been old for several years already! lovely pictures.