Thursday, October 21, 2010

Uh Oh

Even with the sunshine it's staying cool now. Looks like the string of glorious riding days are coming to an end. Rain is in the forecast for Saturday and there's even talk of snow towards the end of next week. But, living in the moment, which I like to do, it was another beautiful day to ride. 30/17.4

This morning contrails were left to create some feathery wings in the sky.

This evening the sun colored a blue sky orange and white clouds turned yellow.


amy said...

stop reading my mind. I saw contrails this morning, and watched them but could not remember the word for them.

MrDaveyGie said...

Uh Oh, here we go again, striving to survive a midwest winter as bicycling addicts.
However I have something to confess, tonight I just ordered a FatBack, the ultimate snow bike

tainterturtles said...

What? Do you mean the white stuff? I think your cool rides are just around the corner.

Nice pics tonight.