The quads and hams are burning a little. I was pushing studded tires today. As it turned out I only needed them for about the first 1/2 hour of the ride. Wound up being a beautiful day, with temps in the low 40's. I was in such a hurry to get to the band shell this morning, that I forgot my helmet. Everyone was more than willing to stop at my place and insure the security of my brain. Rode with four other team members out to Excelsior. Got the requisite coffee stop in. They turned and went back, with Amy vowing to get on her road bike and ride some more. She's just trying to get more miles in than me. She's sneaky that way.
I continued from Excelsior solo and rode around Lake
Minnetonka to the Luce Line trail. The lake was a
battleship grey, calm as it reflected the cloudy skies. Shockingly white patches of snow covered ice interrupted the still lake. Low flying White Sea Gulls and Egrets
maneuvered just above the water, their white down in stark contrast to the still grey just inches below them. The clouds weren't really defined, but
blurry with the sun peering through, sometimes almost naked as you could only see it's round shape filtered by the misty clouds.
On the Luce Line I saw pheasants, deer, and even a few canines out walking their humans. 43/15.1