Saturday, March 7, 2009

Good Tough Ride

Team websites, email lists and blogs were full of excited chatter about training rides today. Lots of options to choose from, Silver was even doing a Prescott Wisconsin hill session. We saw Penn, Tonka, Verve and another two or three groups before we even got to Wayzata.
The training season has started, with racing beginning in mid April. I love the culture, the people and, of course, the competition, but cycling is changing, for me, or probably better said, I'm changing. I still hold out the slim chance of showing up for a time trial or even Ken Woods, but any interest in racing has been fading for several years now, with no Brett Favre resurgence.

I expected more people to show, but with the five grace minutes expired, two of us departed at 10:05 into a slight, but noticeable headwind. Smiles and fun conversation got us north of Wayzata easily. With more open space allowing the wind an unabated onslaught, smiles became a grinding clench of teeth and conversation turned mute. Rollers conspired with the wind and red barns, brown horses, tan fields and gray fences started to disappear, being replaced by salt covered asphalt. Out of the saddle, our helmets pointing down, cranks seizing, all that was heard now was the rush of the wind, and an occasional groan or cough. Quads were screaming for the torture to end, lungs wanted the fire to be put out, their complaints interrupted only by the lone thought "another roller".
I thought I heard the words "no more", with the south turn not even two miles ahead. No cars coming, a lean to the left, the helmets leveling, backs straightening, cadence increasing, jaws relaxing and smiles started to return. Even joking ensued, "I thought you were keeping track of where we are".
I refueled at Maple Plaine, with Gatorade and a Snickers Bar, and it seemed like only minutes before we were in Excelsior. This was a tough ride for me, as I overcome the weight and lethargy of winter...typical for March. They'll all be like this for another four to six weeks. Amy is hard core. She didn't fall off once, not even on the hills. The Evil One was a dutiful servant today, but I want to be on my road bike. I gotta get my miles up. Second best average speed of the early season. 58/17.2

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