Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Top Ten Ride

Couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Several showed for a two wheeled excursion north and east. Pulled out from the cafe and crossed the Mighty Miss. It was a little scetchy at first. Traffic lights through St. Paul didn't seem to be in our favor, motorists were not happy that we were on their roads, and we had to skirt Fair traffic. But once we got past White Bear Lake, it was like a whole new world opened up. Lots of space, gently (maybe not so gentle) rolling hills, lakes, farms, pine trees and room to ride.
Pace was brisk, but that seemed the perfect companion for the cool sunshine and bright blue sky.
Lots of talking at first, but the pace started taking its toll on that, and we were left with the hum of the wheels on the asphalt.
Really nice ride, great group, just drop dead gorgeous scenery, and some hills to play on. Perfect ride! 91/19.5

Nice car, but my question is, who is that scowl on Amy's face directed at? And what did that person do to piss her off?


amy said...

oh Tom, it's always you. Love, your friend, Amy.

tainterturtles said...

That' not a scowl, that's a smerk! Amy was plotting to make you work all the way back!!!

Good ride today.

MrDaveyGie said...

dang, I'm just glad it isn't me....:-)