Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dr. Dr. Gave Me The News

I don't have to have surgery. Great news. Also saw the eye doc today. No problems.
I did get some restrictions.
No physical exertion for 2 weeks.
No nose blowing for 1 month.
No riding a bike that moves for 6 weeks.

I've felt 100% better today than yesterday. I slept great last night. Swelling is down from yesterday. I haven't been nearly as tired today. I got out and even ran some errands, in the car.
I couldn't get on a bike, if I wanted to, let alone pedal it. My knees are pretty sore. The muscle over my right knee took a major hit. It has a serious deep bruise, not to mention how ripped up the skin is directly over the knee. It's going to be awhile before I can move them comfortably. I have a hard time climbing stairs. Walking is relatively painless, if I don't bend my knees too much. So not only do I look like Frankenstein, I walk like him.
I walked to Barnes & Nobles tonight. I just had to get out. About 2 miles at maybe 1.8 mph.

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