Monday, February 23, 2009

No Studs

Rode stud-less. Just hate the idea of putting the studs back on the Evil One. The roads are surprisingly clear for just having had a 5 inch snow storm Friday night. The late winter sun gets the ice off fast. Still, as wimpy as it makes me sound, 25 degrees...I was feeling the cold.
I've definitely got road fever. I'm getting bored with the paths and trails and want to get out on my road bike, for some good old Hammer Hundreds. 28/14.1


tainterturtles said...

Hammer hundreds!!!!! That must be seasonal talk. Maybe next month.

Lynne said...

Ah, Tainter-keep reading! Tom's infamous Hammer 100's are on the way, and they are all his. Just wait until Spring/Summer. And now, lest I feed his ego too much, I'm zipping my lips. :-)

Harry Legge's Cycling Blog said...

Go as hard as you can for 100 miles. One stop, no prisoners. The goal is to finish in under 5 hours.