Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Down

Couple of friends went down on ice during their commute this morning. No one was hurt too bad. Sounds like maybe just a bruise or two. Apparently a new helmet needs to be purchased.
I didn't need a whole lot of persuasion, after that news, to keep it in the gym today. Like always, 2 elliptical hours.


tainterturtles said...

Around here, we have standing water over snow and ice. Even studs can't protect you from going down. This is really weird weather, especially for Feb. 10th!

Lynne said...

And it was very, very windy. I'm glad Ms. Commuter's head is intact, even if her helmet is not :-(

So tainterturles, this is weird weather? I kinda figured it was typical of a "normal" winter. On the other hand, never know what to expect!

tainterturtles said...

I'm just wondering where all he snow went! Walking, skiing or cycling through water puddles is just weird for mid February...don't you think? But on the other hand, what is normal anymore!!!!!

Harry Legge's Cycling Blog said...

I drove up to St. Cloud for work today. Very little snow on the ground now. It looks like we got our January thaw in February this year. I'm not convinced it will stay like this, March is always interesting.