Sunday, June 8, 2008

No "Coffee Ride" Ride

Started out at about 10, it felt good to sleep in, and headed up into Theodore Wirth with Lynne. She was beside herself when I got a flat right along the Mississippi River, with a beautiful view and a bench. She wondered if all my flats find me in such fortuitous surroundings.
We took it slow, and stopped at a bike shop. Not enough pockets in my old three pocket jersey to get everything home, but Lynne was kind enough to let me use one of her pockets. At about 25 miles the two cookies Lynne had for breakfast were no longer providing the energy she needed so we stopped in at Birchwood and refuled. Just about then the Coffee riders show up and we get to chat a little.
With the tanks full we head out along the river again down to Fort Snelling and enjoy riding through a tunel of trees.
I came home and dropped off all my stuff from the bike shop. Lynne went home and I took off for an additional 15-20 miles.
I'm on the greenway and a feel a rhytmic bump in my rear tire. I get off the bike quick and take a look at it. Sure enough the bead had seperated from the rim, and the tube was bulging out ready to explode. I'd already ridden 50 miles. I don't understand why the bead came off at this time, but I was glad I caught it. I let the air out and inspected the tire, rim, and tube to make sure they were all correctly in place. I reinflated the tire and was on my way.
I have not been having a lot of luck with tires lately. If I count the bead problem, I've had 4 flats in about a week. Maybe I've gotten them out of the way for the season now.
Good ride, good company, good conversation always make for a nice time. 67/16.2

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