Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Cedar Lake Trail from 100 to Hopkins has numerous sections that are covered with ice. The spur between the Greenway and the Cedar Lake Trail still has a couple of areas covered with ice.
The Greemway from Hopkins to the River is all clear smooth asphalt. In the morning I'm sure there would be small areas of refreeze ice, but in the afternoon it's just wet.
Temps went into the low forties and I donned a vest instead of the previously required winter jacket. These old hands only needed one pair of light gloves. I shaved my head and face today, otherwise I probably could've gotten away without the balaclava. Sunglasses were a must.
Lots of cyclists out. I even saw Cam and Eric. Again lots of joggers, dogs and their walkers. I even saw 4 guys on a snow covered baseball field and heard the clink of a softball on an aluminum bat. It's amazing what the 40's in March can do to you.
Lots and lots of water all over the place. I find full fenders keep a very wet and messy ride dry.
Daylight Saving Time is less that two weeks away. Spring less than three.


MrDaveyGie said...

ahhh, all good signs, before you know it, we'll spot a robin.

tainterturtles said...

Really? Daylight savings is only two weeks away....wow! Maybe I need to think about setting an end-date for my spin classes!