Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Little Less Fuel

Been trying to use my fat stores instead of my glycogen stores. Of course, that means the old hairy body has to go through the delightful experience of running out of glycogen in the hairy muscles, then transition and use the fat stores. Gotta love the bonk. And, let me just say, it sucks. 21/16.4

I did have enough energy to take some pics.


tainterturtles said...

Always enjoy your photos!

Amy said...

oh Tom. You make nice pictures. Are you skipping the eating part of the day again? Perhaps you are not fat. Maybe you do not need to burn fat stores. Consider the temperature this morning before getting skinnier.

MrDaveyGie said...

OH my, I have tried this. I gave up. I am keeping my fat. I truly eat every hour on the bike. I feel the bonk starting, I woof down 300+ calories, and don't even get off the bike, and my pedaling picks up.