Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wasn't Sure

Planned on three 300 mile weeks for 2011. This week was suppose to be number three, but Saturday's 80/20 left depleted all the giddy-up in the old hairy tank. Wednesday still found the tank empty and the 300 miles in jeopardy. But, a ride with Amy on Wednesday left only 40 miles to get to the goal. Got out a little early today for 25 and then another 17, with Penny before the Packers game tonight, and low and behold 301 miles for the week. Cool!
Also, that 80/20 ... fastest ride of the season, not the longest, but, still... so, pretty pleased with how the week turned out.
Today 25/17.3 and 17/13.3
Also, saw Gabrielle riding along the greenway. Penny and I got to stop and talk with her for a bit. That's pretty cool to just happen upon your daughter out riding her bike while you are too.

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

That is so cool to see Gabrielle out on the trails today.

Nice to read that Penny likes to ride...perfect!