Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Aerodynamics My @$$

In the past, I have received requests for warnings of when I will be riding with the old hairy legs exposed. It was a spur of the moment decision today so no warning was issued. I'm proud to report, no mothers averting their childrens eyes, no college co-eds saying, eeewwww, and no guys declaring, dude, cover those things up. I honestly don't understand the fuss. I just gotta ask ya, have you ever seen a more handsome pair of legs? Temps near 60, all sun, mild breeze = Mighty fine ride today! 33/18.2


ethelophilosophos said...

Kinda gross, Tom. And after that nice shot of the falls.

tainterturtles said...

Nice toe warmers! A cyclist legs are always good lookin!!!!!