Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowy Excuse

It was only a half an inch, but not being able to see the ice on the trails was a risk I didn't want to take, so it was over to the gym for an elliptical workout.


MrDaveyGie said...

yeap, yeap, and yeap. Yesterday's ride sure had me thinking about the risk of injury. I am looking at this glazed ice with hard lumps frozen into it that I am riding over and begin to think about the consequences of biff'n. My biggest fear of crashing out is to miss biking as a result. Like splattering a knee cap and waiting months for it to heal.
Be safe, and come on ice MELT!!!

tainterturtles said...

I think you played hard last weekend, so treat the body to a little gym time....your body will thank you!