Sunday, June 27, 2010

Soap Box

Rode over to the Pride Festival yesterday evening, in Loring Park.
The Pharisees Were There
A Little Irony With The Pride Banner Hanging From The Church Behind This Preacher
I Over Heard The Girl With The Short Reddish Hair Say, "I've been like this all my life!"
As a straight guy with some gay friends that I love, all I can say is we all need to get along. With all the problems that exist for us, our kids and grand kids, creating more lines dividing "us" from "them" will NOT solve anything. Let's all come together and work together.
OK I'm off the soap box. Thanks for reading my rant.

After yesterday's effort, my legs were giving me the silent treatment today. No screaming, no moaning and definitely no responding. They were like, ignoring me, and were especially obstinate on even the slightest incline. I was being shunned.
I got a solo effort in, riding my usual Sunday route up into Baker. Beautiful! 50/18.0


MrDaveyGie said...

amen bro,
Now about the legs, mine have been acting somewhat the same lately. I think mine are headed for the toaster, I've been pounding them to often lately.

tainterturtles said...

I agree....we are all brothers & sisters and we need to get alone and love each other.

You know Tom, I think our LEGS rule our bodies!