Thursday, January 12, 2012

All A Tingle

Coldest ride of the season required warmest clothes. Lots of thick layers, including two pairs of gloves on each hairy hand. I even fired up the toe and hand warmers. Gore is some of the best stuff out there to keep the cold out.
Needed to keep the old hairless head warm too.

Perfect end to a cold ride is a bowl of soup. I made some cauliflower soup to help restore the warmth, after riding in a below zero wind chill.
I crock potted a half a cauliflower head, with onion, salt, garlic, carrots, celery, and red bell peppers, along with some home made turkey stock, on high for two hours.
Then roasted that for about 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
Set aside some of the vegetables (I like my soup chunky)
Pureed the rest
And poured that into a bowl with the vegetables.
Really, really good. Now I've just got to remember the proportions so I can make this again.
Temp 13 degrees with a wind chill of -3. 20/14.3 for about an hour and a half with Evil in the cold. Had the trails to myself.


tainterturtles said...

Looks like a wonderful soup, but hey, I think you forgot a few shakes of hot sauce!!!!

High five to your cold weather ride today!

MrDaveyGie said...

Hmmm, I think you roadies and us dirt riders are a lot a like. :-)