Saturday, January 28, 2012

Nice Winter Ride

The wet and sloppy from yesterday's mild temps had turned pretty crunchy, with a nasty west wind, just in time for this morning's ride start. I received a couple of recommendations, from friends, that studded would be a wise tire choice for today's road conditions. I obliged, and Amy and I were on our way to Wayzata.
Amy had some bike shopping she wanted to do and headed back to Freewheel, so I carried on solo westward into the persistent and stiff wind.
Evil seemed a bit upset, and was noisily protesting the entire ride. I need to do some investigating to see what was bothering him, bottom bracket, pedals, or maybe the cassette.
I was in the mood for some Long Lake, Medina and Baker and just kept on turning the noisy crank, enjoying the fresh white snow and bright sunny sky. Cold and windy, but a beautiful day. 53/14.3

Came Across Some Unexpected Amenities At A Pit Stop
 At Excelsior I Got Off The Road And Hopped On The LRT
 Big Climbs On The LRT

1 comment:

tainterturtles said...

Wow, those are some big climbs! Maybe tomorrow you can concentrate on a flat route!!!

Seriously, a port-a-potty equipped with a heater? Man you got it made there in Minnesota!