Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Answer

I regularly get asked how many bikes I own. When I respond by answering "10", if I'm not asked directly, the look on the questioners face always asks why.
Over the last 6 days of rides I've used 4 different bikes. Minnesota weather requires adaptation from a cyclist, if she or he wants to ride all year around. Today was a studless Evil. 20/15.3

Lake Harriet As I was Closing Out My Ride (point and shoot)

From My Balcony Just After I Walked In The Door (SLR)


MrDaveyGie said...

Yes, we need many bikes, and become creatures of adaptation to keep our habit, habitual. But, I've been thinking, I really do need one more bike, built specifically when it doesn't freeze, doesn't dry up, and frozen under neath the thawing muck.

tainterturtles said...

Wow, where do you keep all those bikes!

Nice balcony shot.