Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winter Shminter

Started without any temp, but it was really pretty out. Fresh white and bright sun. If it's going to be winter it might as well be pretty.
Amy wasn't on top of her game today (it happens to us all), so some route modifications were made. The smoothness of the asphalt replaced the rough and bumps of the trail. I, on the other hand, am still feeling the vibration of the Winter Beast's studs and knobbies an hour after I walked in the door.
We finally broke into the double digits around noon. Hands and toes never went numb, but I'm not convinced that wouldn't have been better than the constant tingle and sting that crept in through felt lined boots, two pairs of wool socks and chemical toe warmers.
It was a good winter ride. I pushed studded 26ers and the Winter Beast around for 50 miles, with 1 very quick stop to de-snot, and wipe the frost from my glasses. Almost 4 hours of uninterrupted saddle time, in the middle of January. Damn Good! 50/13.3


tainterturtles said...

With that added sunshine in the morning hours, I'm sure that helped fuel your solar energy!!!

Good ride for you and Amy today.

MrDaveyGie said...

Loving it....vicariously.....