Saturday, January 30, 2010

That Was Hard

No temp when we left, 17 when I got home, but the cold took it's toll. At least that's my excuse for suckin' wind that last hour.
I kept the clothes pretty simple, but did double up on the toe and hand warmers. That plan worked out pretty good - never got cold.
Steven and Amy made a wise move and turned around at Wayzata. I kept on riding up into Baker and around the big lake to Excelsior. No wind to blame the hard effort on. It was beautiful out though, with bright white snow, a crisp blue sky, and ice-clear roads . I did add an extra hill for the fun of it, and just for the record, hills are not fun in January.
I felt this ride today, not in my muscles, but more in my core. It's not that I was having a hard time breathing, it just seemed like my lungs weren't burning the oxygen as efficiently as they usually do. I was a little more happy to have this ride done than usual.
Bottom line is: I was out, got 50 miles in, breathed real air, saw beautiful winter-scapes, got a good workout, and now feel justified in doin' nothin'. Life is good! 50/14.4


tainterturtles said...

50 miles in single digit weather just blows me away. Good for you, Steve and Amy.

MrDaveyGie said...

Good job, great work out. Oddly enough that was my milage also, just took me longer.