A really nice ride, although Amy probably disagrees. The trails are in great winter condition, and the sun is big, bright and beautiful. It's very cold, but I'm acclimated...temps just weren't an issue, even though the ride started in negative numbers. Very comfortable for the entire ride. Lots of chatter today...had to keep Amy focused. She put on 45-50 miles today and was fading a bit towards the end. Me 33/13.2
Moisture Accumulations On The
INSIDE Of My Jacket Froze.
A Little Frosty By The Gills
gills. that makes sense. I have long suspected you were not fully human.
Amy fading a bit????? That is hard to believe. Is the town out of cheesy crackers or something.
I think Amy's just reserving her energy for spring riding...then she'll make her move and blow you guys away!!!!
Was that you in the photo????
In that one photo looks like your ready to rob a 7/11
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