Monday, July 18, 2011

Plenty Warm

Feel like I did a Hammer Hundred. Totally wiped from yesterday's ride. That heat is rough. Kept it to 20 miles and I felt lucky to break 16mph. 21/16.3
My daughter Gabrielle wants to get a bike, so we went over to Freewheel to take a look tonight. Hard not to flashback to when she was little, and zooming around with streamers on the end of her handle bars.


tainterturtles said...

I wanted to ride but the humid conditions kept me off the bike. Hoping it's better by the end of the week.

mrbill said...

Now it's easier for you to understand why I have to start my rides at Sunup, it's getting kind of serious down here, poco aqua y mucho caliente, no bueno!