Over 340,000 miles on this truck - all mine - we're talkin' winter storms, hail, rush hour traffic, dance classes, hauling my bikes to races and even two daughters learning how to drive. I bought a new zippy 2009 Yaris last year, but still haven't sold my truck. I rarely use the truck; the frame is bent, it needs new tires, and is slow to start. It shimmies whenever the speedometer registers 30 mph or above, and the air-conditioner needs a recharge. It's been in a few crashes, has accumulated more than its share of dents and dings and kind of leans to one side. Rust is starting it's cancerous spread and the smell of burning oil wafts into the cab once it works up a little engine heat.
I needed him today. Something the Yaris couldn't do for me. He seemed almost excited to see me walking towards him. He sits outside now, on call, in the heat and the cold, ready to give his all whenever I need him. Yeah, he didn't start right up, but a couple of pumps on the gas pedal and the loyalty was revving. He was coughing as a couple of stop lights turned green, but eventually got the congestion out and started to even purr a little.
I was surprised by how comfortable the drivers seat was, but I guess after 340,000 miles we're pretty use to each other. Couple of old friends, him 340,000 me 52 today.
A one lake Friday. Maybe 5 miles.
Happy Birthday Tom!
340,000 miles means loyalty and sensibility...those are good characters to have (you and your truck)!!!!!
That is incredible, I have never heard of that high of milegage, what a good ole friend she's been.
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