Monday, December 27, 2010

Week of Favorites

It seemed a lot colder out there today, than yesterday, and yet the temps were the same, and the sun was out both days. Nice ride, but I am feeling mighty tired, slept for 11 hours last night. Don't know what that's about. Today 21/12.7

At the end of each year I post my 10 favorite photos, along with a variety of other trivia regarding my rides. This year I couldn't even limit my favorite photos to 10 categories, let alone 10 images. So the solution is show them all just over a whole week. Sorry you gotta put up with this self indulgence.
You've already seen my favorite sunsets for 2010 (put to music). Here are my favorite winter shots from 2010.


tainterturtles said...

Very nice snow photos.

As for the 11 hours of sleep, maybe you are fighting off something. Go with lots of sleep!

MrDaveyGie said...

we all love your pics. Sleeping 11 hours is excellant training for a biker like you.

amy said...

don't worry about sleeping so much. Sleeping is nice. Sleeping is the perfect way to spend december and january in MN. If you are good at it, go with it!