Thursday, June 9, 2011


Here's a list of ten activities that hurt:
Sitting Down
Standing Up
Laying Flat
Raising My Left Arm
Lowering My Left Arm
Driving Over a Bump
Getting In and Out of The Car (sucks big time)
Coughing/Sneezing (really hurts)
(there are more)

Needless to say I was off the bike again, and I felt worse today than yesterday.
OK. Thanks for listening to me whine.

Had to get out, so, after work, I went for a walk around Lake Harriet. It's amazing what can be seen simply walking around a city lake.


MrDaveyGie said...

OUCH!!! Bro you really got whacked. Well, take the time to heal, you've really been riding hard lately so this will give the muscles time to soak up some energy also.
Stay loose, keep moving, listen to your injuries and ride soon.

tainterturtles said...

Ditto on Mr. DG! Listen to the body. The body calls the shots.

Tylenol might be your best friend this week!