Sunday, June 26, 2011

Very Fun Weekend

Started out with the team on its Sunday Coffee Ride. The twenty plus riders started getting to be a bit too much, so five of us turned renegade, and headed south to Rosemount. Very nice! 68/17.3
Sure has been a nice weekend, with plenty of miles in the saddle and lots of friends. And the hand and ribs? Still have to be careful, but 80 miles yesterday and almost 70 today, says just how well the healing is going. OK, I'll bitch a little, I still can't sleep laying down!


tainterturtles said...

And if you didn't have a broken wrist, or broken ribs???? Hammer 100's keeps coming to mind.

MrDaveyGie said...

Yowser!! Good milage for the weekend, but still can't sleep lying down, you really took a whoop'n. Keep on the healing path, bro.