Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Need To Eat

Just a typical Sunday ride, uneventful, but enjoyable like always. Great conversation, but there were some stretches of silence that seemed a little longer than usual. I think Amy and I were pretty tired. I needed to stop and refuel at around 40 miles, which is pretty unusual for me. But, like last Sunday I was teetering towards the dreaded bonk. That was one mighty fine tasting Snickers bar.
It sure has been nice getting more and more roads miles logged in. It's been a long winter.
Hung out with Elijah tonight, building with Lego. Very fun! 47/15.4


MrDaveyGie said...

Snickers are antiBONK medicine.

tainterturtles said...

Snickers are my favorite candy bar. Unfortunately, I won't be able to eat one until I ride 40 miles! No treats for me.....

Lego building with Elijah sounds fun.