Gotta love living in Minnesota!
Did a tooth extraction on Evil. I thought the full fenders would be nice, on a rainy Sunday ride, so I threw the Conti Contacs on and off we went.
Very pleasant, very pleasant ride. Just before I got to Lake Minnetonka on my SSR route, who do I see coming the other way? Mike! He was nice enough to turn around and ride with me, for 15 miles or so. We caught up on all the news since yesterday. Nice and easy today. Let the old hairy legs be in control. Whatever they felt like doing was fine with me. 48/16.5
Plenty Of Wet Out There
That photo puts everything into perspective. It was all about wet today.
I'm sure your ride felt good, despite the wetness.
Seems it just thunderstormed here all day Looooooooooooonng.
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