Instead of changing the tire I put an old Ksyrium wheel and road tire on "C". I could not believe how light that wheel was compared to the wheels I've had on "C". My speed reflected the reduced weight with a significant improvement, from Monday and Tuesday. Weight matters! 20/15.4
Things are winding down on the remodel. I still have a couple of weeks worth of work, until it's all finished up. One more day of prep work and then it's just floor install and finish stuff. Except for the done deal when I'll show the finished work, I promise, this is the last post about my lack of home improvement skills. And again, I hate to admit it, but this has actually turned out to be fun.
This is the notorious wall gap.
Are you doing this all on your own? And you don't have home improvement experience? I'm so impressed.
And you went for a 20 mile ride...very nice.
Looks like particle board on that floor, not good, really explodes when it gets wet.
Maybe it is fun when yu just do a couple of weeks of it, not so much fun when you do it for a living, and also more fun when you do it for yourself, I'm never as picky as the folks I work for.
"There's no such thing as a mental note at my age," <--OMGawd That is perfect. The young'ns just don't know do they Tom? I have like 5 or so profound thoughts on every bike ride, when I get home they have all dissappeared.
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